We know this is a very difficult time for everyone. Having to stay at home, and not being able to do the usual activities and things you enjoy, is extremely hard. To help support our young people and their parents or carers we have put together some ideas and suggestions of things they can do during this time. We have plenty of ideas, links and examples of how to get active, be creative and stay connected during this difficult time. There are ideas for young people to have a go at by themselves, or with other people from their household. We’ll be continuing to add ideas and games, so keep an eye on our Isolation Motivation page.
On the same page there is also some information and links for young people and parents or carers who are worried and would like someone to talk to. This is an extremely difficult time, and we are here to help any of our young people and their parents or carers wherever we can, please just get in touch with us.
At the Youth Adventure Trust we’re all about resilience, and that’s more important than ever right now. Whilst we can’t run programmes in the usual way during this time, we can still find ways to keep positive and make the best we can of things. If you have any suggestions or ideas we can add to our motivation and support page please just let us know. Keep safe everyone.